5th Grade Events


Hello 5th Grade Parents - This webpage is your go to place for information on 5th grade events. we have fun events to look forward to including the Yearbook, Swim Party, Farewell Lunch (aka Valentine's Lunch) and the end of year Parent's Lunch. 


If you have a question about a specific event not listed here, please contact the respective committee chair found here 





Every year, fifth grade parents collaborate to create a special yearbook to celebrate and remember our students' time together at Happy Valley. With their last year starting off so differently, we will highlight the unique experience of distant learning and come up with creative ways to cover some of the traditional activities of fifth grade. Look for more information mid-September!
Another big part of the book is a look back at kindergarten through fourth grade, so start looking for your favorites!
The yearbook usually includes student portraits and class group photos. We'll be asking students to fill out a survey in class of their favorite things and HV memories that will appear next to portraits. 
Lastly, we’d love to hear any of your ideas to make the book memorable for our kids in a year like no other. Look for more information mid-September!


 We are looking for volunteers for the Yearbook Committee. Please contact Chelsea McClure to volunteer!


5TH GRADE families farewell valentine's lunch  

February 2025


Stay tuned for more details in 2025!


For questions, please contact the luncheon co-chairs: Katie Sroka & Jen Hill




Look forward to joining our annual end-of-year luncheon as we celebrate the amazing fifth grade teachers and students at Happy Valley Elementary. This event is a time to reconnect, reflect, and have fun with fellow fifth grade parents, teachers, and staff.  
Event details will be shared later in the school year!
For questions, please contact the committee: Dariana RossLisa AndersonKatie Blanchard

5th Grade Pool Party - May 2025

We will be having a blast celebrating our 5th graders! Please no siblings as this is an opportunity to celebrate our 5th graders!  



     For questions, please contact: Julie Del Santo

Upcoming Events 

Tickets on sale for HV Musical

Now until January 21
HV Husky Spirit Wear Store

January 24, 25, 26
HV Musical - Willy Wonka Jr.

Tuesday February 4
Movie Night signup for free ticket

Friday February 7
LPIE Bowling Tournament

Thursday March 27
Science Fair 5-7pm

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